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Bakasana (Crane pose or Crow Pose)

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Bakasana is a yoga pose, also known as Crow Pose or Crane Pose, which is a balancing asana that strengthens the arms, wrists, and core. It is an intermediate-level arm balance in which the body is supported on the hands, with the knees resting on the upper arms near the armpits. The name "Bakasana" comes from the Sanskrit words "baka" (crane) and "asana" (pose). The pose has been mentioned in several Hatha Yoga texts, including the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which is a 15th-century CE text on Hatha Yoga.

Note: Not to be confused with Kakasana, which is similar to Bakasana (Crane pose), but the knees are closer together in Kakasana, making it a more challenging variation of the pose.

How To Perform Bakasana (Crane pose or Crow Pose)?

  1. Begin in a squatting position with your feet close together and your knees wide apart.

  2. Place your palms on the floor in front of you, shoulder-width apart, fingers spread wide.

  3. Bend your elbows and place your knees as high up on your triceps as possible.

  4. Gaze slightly forward and engage your core muscles.

  5. Slowly lift your feet off the ground, one at a time or both together, balancing on your hands.

  6. Keep your gaze forward and your core engaged.

  7. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then slowly lower your feet back to the ground.

  8. Repeat the pose several times, holding it for longer periods as you build strength and balance.

It is important to warm up and stretch before attempting this pose, and to practice with caution to avoid injury.


  • Use a block under the feet for support

  • Place a blanket under the head to cushion it

  • Practice against a wall for support

  • Strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders

  • Tones the abdominal muscles

  • Stretches the upper back

  • Improves balance and coordination

  • Develops concentration and focus

  • Wrist, shoulder, or elbow injuries

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Pregnancy


Manipura (solar plexus chakra): Crow pose stimulates the core and abdominal muscles associated with the third chakra, which is related to personal power, willpower, and self-esteem.


Vata: Bakasana can be helpful for balancing vata dosha, as it is a grounding and stabilizing pose.

Pitta: This pose may also be beneficial for pitta dosha, as it helps to release excess heat and tension in the body.

Kapha: Crow pose is a challenging and invigorating pose that can help to stimulate and energize the body, making it a good choice for balancing kapha dosha.


Nasagra (nose)

History Of Bakasana (Crane pose or Crow Pose)

Bakasana, also known as Crow Pose, is an asana that has roots in ancient Hatha Yoga texts. The word "Baka" in Sanskrit means crane, and the pose is named after the graceful stance of a crane. The pose has been mentioned in several Hatha Yoga texts, including the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which is a 15th-century CE text on Hatha Yoga.

In modern times, Bakasana has gained popularity due to its inclusion in many yoga styles and practices, including Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Power Yoga. The pose is often used to build strength, balance, and focus, and it is considered an intermediate-level asana. With regular practice, practitioners can deepen their understanding of the pose and experience its many benefits.

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